Download FAQ
For answers to other common questions/problems, and for other information, please see the
Online BrightFort software Knowledgebase
For our full online knowledgebase and other resources, please see our support page.

Having trouble downloading?
Most of the download pages offer multiple download sites. If you receive a "404 error", or any other error, when trying to download from one link, please try the others. | Full Knowledgebase Article...
If all download links produce an error, please post in the
Official BrightFort Forums (hosted by the Wilders Security Organization)
If all download links produce an error, please post in the
Official BrightFort Forums (hosted by the Wilders Security Organization)

Having problems installing or running the programs?
1.) The program does not run, and reports that a file named "msvbvm60.dll" is missing. | Full Knowledgebase Article...
Please download the following MS run-time installer which will install the missing file and allow you to use SpywareBlaster without any problems:
2.) The program does not run or crashes, and reports that a file named "mscomctl.ocx" is missing. | Full Knowledgebase Article...
Please use the following installer to copy the file to your system:
MSCOMCTL Installer
Please download the following MS run-time installer which will install the missing file and allow you to use SpywareBlaster without any problems:
2.) The program does not run or crashes, and reports that a file named "mscomctl.ocx" is missing. | Full Knowledgebase Article...
Please use the following installer to copy the file to your system:
MSCOMCTL Installer
For answers to other common questions/problems, and for other information, please see the
Online BrightFort software Knowledgebase